Data Loader Plugins

default Default data loader

Loads the data from whitespace seperated column formatted ascii data files. The module allows the specification of which columns that correspond to the x, y and y_error columns in the data file. If y_error is not used the it can safely be set to the same column as y.

Which columns that are imported are determined from the dialog box in import settings. Note that these settings apply to the marked data set(s). Other possible tunings are the definitions of delimiter, None means any white space character (default). Skip rows is how many rows are skipped before the file is started to be read. Comment is the first character of a commented line.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.default.Plugin(parent)
LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, dataset, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the dataset object.


SettingsDialog(self) –> None

This function should - if necessary implement a dialog box that allows the user set import settings for example.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.default.SettingsDialog(parent, col_values, misc_values)

resolution Data loader that includes the resoultion

Loads files in a four column format where the fourth column contains the resolution of the experiment. Note that all reflectivity modules uses the standard deviation as a the resolution. Some instruments might use the FWHM instead.

The default columns are the following:

  • First column q values

  • Second column Intensitiy values

  • Third values The uncertainty in the Intensities

  • Fourth column resolution

The other settings are just as in the default data loader.

The resolution is stored as the member variable res. For data set 0 it can accessed as data[0].res

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.resolution.Plugin(parent)
LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, dataset, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the data_item_number.


SettingsDialog(self) –> None

This function should - if necessary implement a dialog box that allows the user set import settings for example.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.resolution.SettingsDialog(parent, col_values, misc_values)

amor Amor at SINQ reflectometer data loader

Loads the default datafile format used for extracted reflectivity at the SINQ reflectometer Amor.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.amor.Plugin(parent)
LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, data_item_number, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the data_item_number.

wildcard = '*.Rqz'

d17_cosmos D17 cosmos data loader

Loads .out files from the cosmos program that is used to process time of flight data from the D17 iunstrument at the ILL.

The default columns are the following:

  • First column q values

  • Second column Intensitiy values

  • Third values The unceratinty in the Intensities

  • Fourth column q-resolution

The data loader skips the first 36 lines of the file which is assumed to be the header. The other settings are just as in the default data loader.

The resolution is stored as the member variable res. Can be accessed, for data set 0, data[0].x

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.d17_cosmos.Plugin(parent=None)
LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, data_item_number, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the data_item_number.


SettingsDialog(self) –> None

This function should - if necessary implement a dialog box that allows the user set import settings for example.

wildcard = '*.mft'
class genx.plugins.data_loaders.d17_cosmos.SettingsDialog(parent, col_values, misc_values)

sns_mr SNS magnetism reflectometer data loader

Loads the default datafile format used for extracted reflectivity at the SNS magnetism reflectometer. It allows to import several channels at once, automatically naming the datasets according to the imported polarizations.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.sns_mr.Plugin(parent)

Return if the data loader class can open the given file. Default implementation just checks if the filename matches the wildcard, if it exists.

LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, data_item_number, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the data_item_number.

wildcard = '*.dat'

sls_sxrd SLD sxrd data loader

Loads the data from whitespace seperated column formatted ascii data files. It is intended for surface x-ray diffraction data where the data sets consists of rod scans along the l-direction (perpendicular to the surface). The plugin sorts each rod with equal h and k values into one data sets. The l-direction is also sorted.

The default columns are the following:

  • First column h values

  • Second column k values

  • Third values l values

  • Fourth column Intensites

  • Fifth column The standard deviation of the intensities.

The other settings are just as in the default data loader.

The h,k values is stored as extra data in data.extra_data dictonary as h and k.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.sls_sxrd.Plugin(parent)
LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

LoadData(self, dataset, filename) –> none

Loads the data from filename into the dataset.


SettingsDialog(self) –> None

This function should - if necessary implement a dialog box that allows the user set import settings for example.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.sls_sxrd.SettingsDialog(parent, col_values, misc_values)

xrdml XRDML data loader

Loads the data from Philips XPert instrument.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.xrdml.Plugin(parent)

Count the number of dataset in a file. Default implementation of dataloader allows for only one item.

LoadData(dataset, filename, data_id=0)

Loads the data from filename into the data_item_number.


This function should - if necessary implement a dialog box that allows the user set import settings for example.

wildcard = '*.xrdml'

Read the data of a philips X’Pert diffractometer file, exported as text files.

class genx.plugins.data_loaders.xrdml.SettingsDialog(parent, col_values, misc_values)